Hey Beautiful

InPics_1509282139[1]Hey, I hope you guys are doing perfectly fine.

Last week I decided to concentrate and learn what happens around me, and one of the  most important things that struck me was , how most of us girls are insecure about how we look, be it  our figure, or even the smallest part like our nose bothers, the gap between our teeth , how our hair never seems to be perfect, and somehow we are either too fat or too thin. I also overheard someone say , “Oh these girls! they are never happy with a single click” I felt bad but then again you see that’s the harsh reality.

I think this is really sad because most of us are so into decking ourselves up with the most expensive products, selling us lies, they don’t make us any prettier, they are just making us hide our natural beauty and  making money by selling us things that do us no good and sadly enough we are somehow quite okay with that.

You need to embrace yourself the way you are, your flaws are what makes you unique and most importantly BEAUTIFUL.IMG_20171029_202007_149[1]

Do not get me wrong ,no I am not saying that makeup is bad but it is just there to enhance the beauty that already exists.

Our society is so influenced by the unreal idea of perfect ( read: photo-shopped) body that we forget what the  real is. We forget to appreciate what we have and how  abundantly we are blessed and how special we are in our own ways.

Society has successfully  brainwashed us to believe that beauty comes from products, but we should remember all of us are  beautiful regardless of any products used or not.

We got to embrace our imperfections because it is our flaws that makes us beautiful and unique.


At the end of the day Beauty is not how we look or what we weigh on a weighing machine or what the colour of our skin is.

Heard of the famous old saying?? “Beauty is only skin deep” real beauty is what we have within because years from now when our hair turns grey people will remember how we were as a person not how we looked.


So from now on be confident about who you really are,

Till then see you again next sunday.

Love, Esther♥



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